Hard disk donor drive guidelines are designed to help you maximize compatibility when searching for a donor head stack assembly. While a perfect match cannot be guaranteed, following these steps will increase your chances of success.
Begin by identifying the make of the hard drive and matching the specifications provided. Note that this guide does not cover quantum drives or older Western digital models (pre-Caviar). For reference, we’ve highlighted where to find the relevant details on the label in the sample images provided. Keep in mind that your label may vary based on the product line or manufacturing date.
Each specification is prioritized and color-coded to indicate its importance. While finding a donor that matches all the criteria might not be possible, the color-coding will help you focus on the most critical details.
These are generally drives that are 10 or more years old. They can be differentiated by having a PCB that is, more or less, square compared to the L-shaped PCBs of later models.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These drives can be identified by the family code in the model number (the 3rd and 4th digits after the hyphen). The following families are part of this type: Mammoth (family codes EY, EZ, FA, FC, FJ, FM, HE, HF, JE, JS, JT, JY), Sabre (JH, JJ, JK, JL, JM, JN, JP, JR, JU, KS, LN, MG), Hawk (MH, MJ, MK, ML, MV, MW, MY, MZ, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NT, NV, NY, PA), Hawk-2 (SG, SH, TG), Starling (RD, RE, RF, RJ, RK, RL), Buccaneer (KE, KF, KG, KM), Zeus (MN, MP, VJ), and Raider (PC, PD, PE, PF, PG). Even if these families of drives say “Caviar SE” on the label, they belong to the Marvell architecture.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These encompass most newer and modern Western digital drives.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These drives can be identified by containing a period (.) in the firmware number.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These drives can be identified by NOT containing a period (.) in the firmware number.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These drives can be identified by having a separate barcode sticker with two sets of numbers on it.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
These are 2.5″ inch drives, series M7S2, M7E (i.e. Mercury / Rev .07 / S3M), MP4, MT2, M8E, and M9T, as well as 3.5″ inch drives, series F3 or later. The series can be found printed on the PCB or, in some instances, on the drive label.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
Use the following criteria to find a donor drive.
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